GRASP Innovations

High Tech Aviation Solutions Provider

Belief in the potential of opportunity and the conviction that what we have been working on can positively affect businesses form the foundation of GRASP.

GRASP has been founded by two former aviation security consultants, who over the last years have been dedicated to improving aviation security, both from a passenger experience (shorter queues and less hassle) and from an operational standpoint (increase efficiency and effectiveness).

The gained experience led to the realization that given the right actionable insight, operational excellence becomes the goal to work towards.

Understanding the actionable insight required and how we can accurately and effectively measure this became the next challenge.

GRASP has a dedicated technology provider: Xandar-Kardian. Xandar-Kardian is a high-tech development company that is focused on advanced radar signal processing.
Their Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB) Radar based algorithms enable a broad range of solutions: from accurate occupancy sensing and people counting to life sign monitoring and high-level security.

Based on our consulting work in complex aviation security environments, we have devised a work method; enabling us to effectively grasp the core of a challenge.
These challenges can be wide-spread; from optimizing retail solutions and reducing energy cost in hotel rooms to fall detection in hospitals and alarming for human presence in secured areas.

Once we truly understand your situation and what actionable insight would enable operational excellence, we match our technology to your environment. In short; matching the right tool for the job.
The insight we provide can be delivered in various forms, be it in self-supporting dashboards customized to your environment or directly enriching existing IT-infrastructure.
We care about the value the actionable insight has for you, the method of conveying this insight is very flexible.

– Case-studies
What better way than to demonstrate our work method and conviction then through case studies. Below is an overview of case studies within our focus markets, they give insight into the wide-spread capabilities GRASP has to offer and the possibilities of enabling operational excellence.

Monitor and optimise passenger screening process

The costs of providing security in airports, especially in facilitating passenger throughput keeps rising despite efforts to enhance training of security personnel and to upgrade screening technologies. Next to this, passengers experience the screening process as stressful, invasive and annoying. Besides rising costs, airports have to cope with the continuous growth of the aviation industry. For the short term, airports need to take short term measures to handle more passengers with the same amount of security facilities and improve efficiency at the same time.

GRASP Innovations was asked to provide a solution to measure and analyze the performance of each step in the passenger screening process of an airport.

By deploying Xandar-Kardians’ area counting solution, we are capable of measuring the amount of people in a predefined static area, like the divest and reclaim locations in a security lane. Combining this with Xandar-Kardians’near field sensing solution, occupancy and dwell times in these locations can be measured.

To provide information on the passenger flow through a security lane, foot traffic count (amount of passengers per time interval) at strategic points can be used.

Actionable Insights
Usage, occupancy, dwell time and flow in a security lane provide insight in the behavior of passenger inside the screening process. With this information, potential bottlenecks of process steps are easily identified. Also, lane productivity (processed number of passengers per time unit) can be determined based on a foot traffic measurement of passengers entering and exiting the filter.

Operational Excellence
With throughput bottleneck identification, effective measures per process step can be taken to improve the overall productivity of the security checkpoint. Due to the high granularity of the captured data, the effect of (potential) improvements in the security process can be assessed in detail. This enables airport security managers to implement and maintain a highly efficient security operation. Also, passenger arrival patterns and lane productivity enable a more efficient planning of security personnel, resulting in reduction of queue times and personnel costs.

Reduce queue times for passenger security screening

Passengers consider security screening as one of the most stressful parts of their journey through the airport. They experience the screening process as invasive and annoying and often face a long queue in advance. Being uninformed on the expected queue time can raise stress (will I get to my gate on time?), which in the end might lead to a negative passenger experience.
GRASP Innovations was asked to provide a solution that is able to give an estimation on the expected queue time for an airport security checkpoint. Next to this, a solution is desired to evenly spread passenger across the available lanes in the checkpoint.

By deploying Xandar-Kardians’ area counting solution, we are capable of measuring the amount of people inside a queuing area. When combining this solution with a foot traffic count of passengers entering and exiting the queuing area, the flow of passengers (amount of passengers per time interval) can be determined.

With Xandar-Kardians’ near field sensing solution, short range occupancy near the sensor can be measured. By placing these sensors near the divest spots of the security lanes, the occupancy and availability of these locations can be determined.

Actionable Insights
An in and out count of passengers entering and exiting the queuing area provides insight on arrival patterns. Combined with an area count of the queue, an estimation can be given on the expected queue time. Finally, the information regarding divest occupancy of the security lanes can be used to guide passengers to the next available divest spot.

Operational Excellence 
When the airport actively broadcasts the expected queue time, passengers have a better understanding on what their journey through the security process will look like. This can reduce the stress level and improve passenger experience.
Furthermore, actively guiding passenger to the next available divest spot in a security filter will reduce the idle time per security line. In this way, efficiency of the security process will be optimized, resulting in shorter queue times and optimization of staff allocation.


GRASP innovations is located at:
Stationsplein ZW 985 1117CE, Schiphol