Tags: Poland

Poland approves new airport, despite criticism

The Polish parliament voted in favour of a “special act” on May 10, 2018, giving a green light to the country’s new massive airport project: Central Communication Port “Solidarność”, aimed to become “European gate to China”. The act should provide flexibility for the financing of the project and help acquiring the necessary land. “Solidarność” airport is […]

Warsaw Chopin Airport as the first in Poland with category III ILS

Chopin Airport received today a certificate from the President of the Civil Aviation Authority authorizing the airport to perform landing operations in conditions of limited visibility for category III A on Runway 3 in the 33 landing direction. A certificate for ILS III A means that planes will be able to land at much weaker […]

Poland to build a mega-airport for 100 million passengers

The government of Poland plans to build a new mega-airport, designed for 100 million passengers, for 30 billion zlotys ($8.2 billion).The construction will last for 10 years, after which the main airport, Warsaw Chopin Airport, will be closed, said Mikolaj Wild, a representative of the Polish government responsible for the Central Polish Airport (CPA) construction. “The construction and opening […]