Universal Announces Flight Scheduling Software Solution

Company Universal Aviation
Date 21.01.2013

Universal Weather and Aviation, Inc. announced that it has a new Web-based flight scheduling software solution, Universal® Flight Scheduling Software, that provides complete remote access and full functionality in an easy-to-learn and use application.

Universal Flight Scheduling Software works for both private (Part 91) and charter (Part 135) operators and is designed to allow users to remotely access preflight, post-flight, database, reporting, tools, and other functionality as they would from their office desktops, on any Web-enabled mobile device.

“Feedback from our customers and scheduling software users indicated a need for a flight scheduling software solution that provided full functionality, with complete remote access via mobile devices and tablets without the requirement to install software,” said Randy Stephens, Division Vice President, Product Management, Universal®. “Many flight departments use scheduling software systems that are client-side programs originally designed for a PC-only environment. In some cases, these flight departments use 3rd-party applications to make the software work on a mobile device, but some functionality is always lost, and formatting isn’t optimized for the mobile experience. The pain this causes is especially obvious when the user is out of the office and has to break away from what they are doing to find a PC where they can access their scheduling software. Since our solution is Web-based and optimized for mobile device usage, users won’t experience this pain. Plus, it works equally well for Mac users.”

Because Universal® Flight Scheduling Software is completely Web-based, information automatically updates on airports, ground handlers, and time zones. It was designed based on feedback from schedulers and dispatchers.

“Universal® Flight Scheduling Software has a user-driven interface design, minimizing clicks and maximizing usability, decreasing the pain of trying to learn and adjust to new software,” said Stephens. “Additionally, we’ve made it easy to transition from a different scheduling software product to our solution, via scripts with data mapping that quickly transfer your data into our system.”

Business aviation operators interested in learning more about Universal® Flight Scheduling Software should visit http://www.universalweather.com/scheduling. For every new annual subscription, Universal will donate $250 to the NBAA 2014 Schedulers & Dispatchers Scholarship Fund.


Universal Aviation
8787 Tallyho Road
United States
  • (713) 944-1622