OmniServ wins Liverpool John Lennon Airport PRM contract after successful re-tender

OmniServ, part of ABM Industries and the UK’s leading airline and airport assistance service provider, has secured a new multi-year contract for the provision of services for passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) at Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA), following a successful re-tender bid.

The contract will see OmniServ build on the existing partnership and continue to work closely with LJLA in delivering continuous service improvement to passengers who require some assistance in getting around the airport.

In 2018, OmniServ assisted 52,604 passengers requiring support across 22,065 flights arriving and departing from LJLA.

OmniServ was first appointed to the PRM contract at LJLA in 2016. During the first years of the partnership, a significant achievement saw LJLA’s rating from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) improve from ‘good’ to ‘very good’ in 2018. This was delivered through hard work, an unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service and collaboration between airport and service provider that ensures the passenger experience is central to everything they do.

As part of the contract extension, OmniServ will introduce new equipment and innovative technology to further enhance the overall passenger experience.

Marc Buckle, General Manager – North at OmniServ, who led the team behind the successful tender, said: “I am genuinely proud of my team’s track record and relentless efforts in delivering a great service. They have taken LJLA’s brand values of “faster, easier, friendlier” and incorporated their meaning into every aspect of our passenger assistance operation. We are delighted to continue our partnership and work together in making Liverpool a beacon of excellence in the north west.”

As the largest provider of PRM and passenger assistance services in the UK, OmniServ has established a foundation built on best practice, proven capability and a track record of delivering optimum value to airport clients, airlines and terminal retailers. As such, it has a bank of knowledge and experience that enables it to not only deliver day-to-day excellence to LJLA, but also develop a roadmap of continuous improvement for the lifetime of the new contract.

“Our focus will remain on comfort and dignity as passengers travel through the airport,” said Antony Marke, Group Managing Director at OmniServ. “Our fundamental belief that every customer, regardless of their assistance needs, has the right to enjoy air travel will ensure LJLA remains an airport of choice for customers who rightly expect an excellent level of service.”